Requirements and Application


Submitting the application



  • For the purposes of the scholarship, the ISEE signing date must be between 1 January and 30 September 2024.

  • ISEE Parificato” for students who are:

    • international students residing abroad (outside Italy), with a family unit residing abroad;
    • international students residing in Italy, but with an earned income of less than 9,000.00 euro and with a family unit residing abroad (outside Italy);
    • Italian citizens residing abroad (outside Italy), whether or not they are registered in the Anagrafe Italiani Residenti all’Estero (AIRE).

    ISEE per le Prestazioni Agevolate per il Diritto allo Studio Universitario (ISEE for benefits related to the right to higher education) issued in favour of the benefit applicant (in the case of members of the same household, the tax codes of all applicants must be reported), for all other cases.

    If the conditions set out in the regulations are met, you may apply for a current ISEE to be issued.

  • The ISEE Parificato must be issued by the University’s partner CAF exclusively (the service is free of charge):

    CAF CIA PADOVA – E-mail:

    The documents useful for its release must be uploaded on the portal of the CAF, available at the following link:

    Other ways of document delivery are not accepted.

    For other types of ISEE, you can request it at any CAF or any other body authorised to issue it.

  • The list of necessary documents is available as an attachment of the Guide ISEE and Application for benefits, available at

    The CAF office is the sole competent authority to advise you on such documents and their format, so for any more detailed information please check out with them exclusively.

  • No, it is mandatory to have a tax code (codice fiscale). The Admissions & Welcome unit will apply for a tax code on your behalf and send it to you at your email address in due time and on time to apply for the ISEE Parificato. Please find more information at

  • The Admissions & Welcome unit will apply for a tax code on your behalf and send it to you at your email address in due time and on time to apply for the ISEE Parificato. Please find more information at

  • No extension or deadline postponement is granted, the ISEE must be obtained by 30 September.


Food and Accomodation

  • Part of the scholarship is provided in services (food and accommodation):

    1. “ON SITE” students will see no deductions;
    2. “COMMUTER” students are entitled to a free daily meal, for which a fee of 540.00 euro is deducted;
    3. “OFF SITE” students are entitled to a free daily meal, for which a fee of 760.00 euro is deducted; in addition, students who use the ESU residential facilities in Padua as a result of winning the housing competition will see a fee of 1,600.00 euro deducted.
  • No. Fees for services are withheld regardless of whether the service is used.

    Special and exceptional situations can be assessed directly by the ESU (

  • Log on to the ESU website ( and follow the menu: Online Services -> Registration. It then generates the QR code (contact the ESU for assistance).

    The platform will ask for the fiscal code: if you have not received it yet, the Admissions & Welcome Unit will apply for it on your behalf and send it at your email address.

  • The free meal is provided from January to December of the year following the publication of the definitive rankings. Eligible second-assignment students will be entitled to the free meal after the publication of the relevant ranking list and may apply to the ESU for a refund of any fees paid from January onwards.

Scholarship Incompatibility

Revoking a Scholarship

  • Eligibility, and any scholarship received (including service fees enjoyed), shall be revoked for students enrolled in their first year of study who, by 30 November 2025, have not achieved at least 20 CFUs (10 CFUs for part-time students).

    The scholarship shall also be revoked in the event of:

    1. false declarations being made in previous years (the exclusion from benefits shall apply throughout the course of studies);
    2. PhD students without a grant who subsequently become grant recipients pursuant to L. (Law) 210/98;
    3. students who obtain their degree in the extraordinary session of the 2023/24 academic year, by December 2024 (since they are not entitled to the scholarship for the 2024/25 academic year);
    4. student transfers to another university or withdrawal from studies by 10 August 2025.

    Generally, if the benefit is revoked, the monetary amount of the scholarship or grant and the sum corresponding to the value of any ESU food and accommodation services enjoyed will need to be refunded, in the manner and within the timeframe established by the University.

  • If you withdraw from your studies and later wish to apply again for a scholarship or grant for a degree programme at the same level as the one from which you withdrew, you must submit an explicit request to to renounce the benefit.

    You will have to return the grant received (including the service fees enjoyed) and pay the regional tax and the university fee due for the academic year you have renounced to the extent provided for by the current administrative provisions adopted by the University.

Other information