- FAQ – Erasmus+ Study and SEMP
- FAQ – Ulisse – Application
- FAQ – Double Degree – Application
- FAQ – Double Degree – Before the Mobility
- FAQ – Double Degree – During the Mobility
- FAQ – Double Degree – After the Mobility
- FAQ – Double Degree – Contributions
- FAQ – Double Degree beyond Europe – Before the Mobility
- FAQ – Double Degree beyond Europe – During the Mobility
- FAQ – Double Degree beyond Europe – Contributions
- FAQ – Double Degree beyond Europe – After the Mobility
- FAQ – Blended Intensive Programmes (BIP)
Before the Mobility
Following your acceptance, we will send your name to the partner university according to the terms established by the partner university itself. This process is called “nomination.” Typically, students departing for the first semester are nominated in the spring, while those for the second semester are nominated during the summer and the early weeks of autumn. Therefore, students departing in the second semester should not worry if they do not receive contact from the host university for several months after accepting.
The mobility declaration (also known as the Nomination letter) could be downloaded from the Mobility online platform, the student will receive an email invitation to access the platform.
You will have to request it from “Carriere Studenti,” following the information on this page.
This depends on the partner university and whether they are willing to grant flexibility in the start and end dates. It is important to inquire in advance about these matters, as starting activities late or finishing them early without the partner’s authorization can lead to issues related to the certificate for completed activities.
After the Nomination of the student made by the Mobility desk, usually the partner university will contact the student and will provide all the information for the Application procedure in their institution.
Generally the Application is made during the Spring for the departure in the first semester and in Autumn for departure in the second semester.
You will receive the invitation for the first access to Mobility online platform some days after the place acceptance deadline for Reserve students.
Please be informed that the first access link is personal and can not be used by other users. After the first access the link to platform is: www.unipd.it/mobilityonline.
Use the link for the first time login that can be found at the bottom of the invitation email. Otherwise, try access with another browser or device.
Please be informed that the first access link is personal and can not be used by other users. After the first access the link to platform is: www.unipd.it/mobilityonline.
If the problem persists, please fill out the form HERE
In order to enter the information in the form, it is necessary to click on Forward to update.
Some documents need to be approved by the Mobility Unit, so not all the steps are automatic; please wait for the Mobility Unit to approve it, students will recieve an email when they get to the next step.
The Learning Agreement is an agreement that list the activities that you will carry out abroad and how these activities will be recognised in the study plan in Unipd.
The approved Learning Agreement guarantees the subsequent recognition of the foreign activities passed. -
Yes, completing the learning agreement is mandatory for everyone. You can find the guide on this page. The learning agreement is an agreement between the student and the University of Padua, which certifies the activities that our university undertakes to recognize. This document therefore protects the interests of students and it is important that it is filled out very carefully.
No, the deadline for completing the LA in Uniweb for those starting the mobility in the second semester is the 15th October, however for technical reasons Uniweb indicates only one deadline (15th June). If you start the mobility in the second semester, the deadline is the 15th of October.
The deadlines are as follows:
- by June 15th: for students leaving in the first semester.
- by October 15th: for students leaving in the second semester.
Please note that by this date the LA must be in “Presentato” status and not necessarily approved. It is advisable to have the Learning Agreement approved as soon as possible in order to be able to sign the grant agreement, compulsorily before the departure.
Please bear in mind that the host university may require the Learning Agreement before the Unipd deadlines, in which case you will have to meet that deadline.
There are no official conversion tables for destinations outside Europe, therefore the conversion of foreign credits into ECTS is approved by the teacher when he approves the Learning Agreement itself. If you have any further concerns, contact us using the form here.
By opening a draft of the Learning Agreement (LA), you will be able to see the name of the responsible professor. Typically, for university’s destinations, the responsible person is the degree course president, while for School’s destinations, it is the agreement coordinator. If you have any doubts, please contact us using the form here.
Refer to the information in the learning agreement compilation guide, the video tutorial, and the page dedicated to the learning agreement. If you have any further concerns, contact us using the form here.
The Learning Agreement is presented on Uniweb. You should refer to the specific information provided during the Meeting for successul students, which can be viewed on the Mediaspace channel.
If you have further questions, please contact the Mobility desk of your School or Department.
The contact list can be found here: https://www.unipd.it/erasmus-scuole.
The grant agreement is sent shortly before the start of the mobility if the following conditions are met:
- the Learning Agreement has been approved in Uniweb by the Unipd lecturer;
- at least 40 credits have been registered on the Uniweb booklet (this last rule does NOT apply to students on Master’s degree courses).
- any OFAs have been passed (this rule only applies to students enrolled in the first year of a three-year or single-cycle course)
- the Unipd tuition fee has been paid.
You will be able to download the grant agreement close to the start of the mobility from Mobility Online, only after you have completed all the required preparatory actions. We will ask you to confirm that the contract is correct directly from your profile. If you have changed your mobility start date or there are errors, you need to let us know via your Mobility Online profile.
Indicatively a few days after confirming the correctness of the contract through Mobility Online, you will receive a link via email to sign the contract and you will need to have the phone available (the one that you submitted) on Mobility Online to sign it.
I have filled out the form for the Grant agreement, when will I be able to sign the Grant agreement?
The grant agreement is sent shortly before the start of mobility, after the fulfillment of the prerequisites and the completion of all the steps listed on Mobility online. Additionally, you must ensure that you meet the requirements specified by the mobility destination.
Mobility online will be updated in the following 24/48 hours if the credits have been registered on Uniweb, the Learning Agreement has been approved and all the requirements have been met. After that the office will unlock the next steps to complete in order to sign the grant agreement.
Mobility online will be updated in the following 24/48 hours if the Learning Agreement has been approved on Uniweb and all the requirements have been met. After that the office will unlock the next steps to complete in order to sign the grant agreement.
You can use the account details/IBAN of an Italian bank account under your name or jointly held account.
You can also use the Flash Studio card, which must be activated before receiving payments. For further information: https://www.unipd.it/cartaflash.
The procedure is carried out via the platform Esign; students will recieve information on the process when they get to the correct step in Mobility Online, and an email to sign the Agreement via the platform.
Students DO NOT need to sign the Agreement in any other form.
For Extra-EU mobility, it is necessary to request an entry visa in most cases. The application process and timing depends on the rules of the host country. We invite you to contact the host university for information well in advance. The student is the sole responsible in obtaining Visa.
It is necessary to have a valid residence permit for the entire period of stay abroad, in order to legally return to Italy after the mobility. For assistance with the renewal request for your residence permit you can contact the Saos Help Desk: saos@unipd.it.
You can download the Erasmus declaration from the Mobility online platform.
Should you need the Proof of finance, please contact us HERE
You can request these types of documents with the form here.
The additional funding will be available after the publication of the list of eligible students, indicatively between November and December.
No, you will have to request a specific declaration from the Economic Benefits Sector: benefici.studenti@unipd.it.
Yes, tax forms are mandatory for everyone because Ulisse Mobility scholarships are subject to taxation. Without tax forms, payments cannot be processed.
You can download tax forms from Mobiltiy Online, from the “Documents” sections.
You will receive an email with the information needed to complete the Fiscal modules when you have reached the dedicated step in Mobility online.
We cannot provide instructions regarding the completion of the Fiscal modules to students who have a personal income over 15.000€ due to the specificity of the matter. We suggest to speak to a financial advisor or to a CAF.
Students can upload fiscal forms in Mobiltiy Online, in the “During” section, when you get to the correct step.
For non-EU mobility, it is necessary to independently verify the necessary medical coverage. It is the individual student’s responsibility to subscribe to any additional insurance policies.
Students regularly enrolled at the University of Padova are covered from accident and liability insurance (https://www.unipd.it/assicurazione) even during activities carried out at foreign institutions. However, it may still be necessary to have supplementary insurance and we recommend checking this promptly with the host university.
The complete insurance policy text can be downloaded from your Uniweb account in the self-certification section.
No, you have to find accommodation yourself. Host universities usually give useful information to incoming students during the application phase.
It is also possible to contact students who have carried a mobility period in the previous years for some suggestions; the contact list can be downloaded from Mobility Online.
Yes, it is possible to postpone the departure to the second semester by filling out the appropriate form on Mobility Online. There is no deadline by which to postpone your departure, but we recommend doing so as soon as possible. After requisting the postponement, students need to wait for it to be approved.
No, it is not possible to bring forward the departure from the second to the first semester.
Yes, you can renounce the mobility even after accepting the position at Uniweb. There is no deadline, but we recommend doing it by the expected mobility start date. To opt out, you must complete the relevant form on Mobility Online.
No, after the withdrawal you cannot participate in the second call of the same programme (if applicable).
You can change the departure date when you define the Grant agreement on Mobility Online platform (please refer to Grant Agreement section).