- FAQ – Erasmus+ Study and SEMP
- FAQ – Ulisse – Application
- FAQ – Double Degree – Application
- FAQ – Double Degree – Before the Mobility
- FAQ – Double Degree – During the Mobility
- FAQ – Double Degree – After the Mobility
- FAQ – Double Degree – Contributions
- FAQ – Double Degree beyond Europe – Before the Mobility
- FAQ – Double Degree beyond Europe – During the Mobility
- FAQ – Double Degree beyond Europe – Contributions
- FAQ – Double Degree beyond Europe – After the Mobility
- FAQ – Blended Intensive Programmes (BIP)
Erasmus+ Studio e SEMP
Before the Mobility
Yes, the Moodle course “Ready to Mobile” is compulsory and it contains the most important information to know for the completion of the next steps and a special unit regarding protocols for handling emergencies.
After completion of the course, it is necessary to download the course completion certificate, which you will need to upload along with the start of mobility documents after departure.
After the acceptance of the mobility place by the student, the Mobility desk (contacts and information available here: https://www.unipd.it/en/international-office-schools-departments-erasmus-out) will communicate the name and contact information to the host university during the nomination timeframe defined by the host university. This procedure is called Nomination. As soon as the nomination has been submitted, it will be visible on Mobility Online platform.
After the Nomination of the student made by the Mobility desk, usually the partner university will contact the student and will provide all the information for the Application procedure in their institution.
Generally the Application is made during the Spring for the departure in the first semester and in Autumn for departure in the second semester.
The Erasmus status declaration (also known as the Nomination letter) could be downloaded from the Mobility online platform, the student will receive an email invitation to access the platform.
You can request the Transcript of Records to the Career Student office, for additional information: https://www.unipd.it/certificati
You will receive the invitation for the first access to Mobility online platform some days after the place acceptance deadline for Reserve students.
Please be informed that the first access link is personal and can not be used by other users. After the first access the link to platform is: www.unipd.it/mobilityonline.
Use the link for the first time login that can be found at the bottom of the invitation email. Otherwise, try access with another browser or device.
Please be informed that the first access link is personal and can not be used by other users. After the first access the link to platform is: www.unipd.it/mobilityonline.
If the problem persists, please fill out the form HERE
In order to enter the information in the form, it is necessary to click on Forward to update.
It could take 24/48 hours to update the information on Mobility online, in some cases administrative action are required and will be done during working hours. Please monitor the institutional email where you will receive notification of new available step.
The Learning Agreement is an agreement that list the activities that you will carry out abroad and how these activities will be recognised in the study plan in Unipd.
The approved Learning Agreement guarantees the subsequent recognition of the foreign activities passed. -
The Learning Agreement is presented on Uniweb. You should refer to the specific information provided by the Department/School during the Meeting for successul students, which can be viewed on the Mediaspace channel.
If you have further questions, please contact the Mobility desk of your School or Department.
The contact list can be found here: https://www.unipd.it/erasmus-scuole. -
The students that depart in the first semester must submit the Learning agreement by the 15th June, those starting in the second semester by the 15th October. Please note that by this date the LA must be in “Presentato” status and not necessarily approved. It is advisable to have the Learning Agreement approved as soon as possible in order to be able to sign the grant agreement, compulsorily before the departure.
Please bear in mind that the host university may require the Learning Agreement before the Unipd deadlines, in which case you will have to meet that deadline.
No, the deadline for completing the LA in Uniweb for those starting the mobility in the second semester is the 15th October, however for technical reasons Uniweb indicates only one deadline (15th June). If you start the mobility in the second semester, the deadline is the 15th of October.
The Learning Agreement must necessarily be completed in Uniweb and must be approved by the indicated Unipd lecturer.
If the partner university also requires the completion of a second document you may proceed only if this document does not require the signature of the Unipd lecturer. In case this is required, please contact your Mobility Desk. -
The meetings can be found on the Studying Abroad channel on Mediaspace.
You can find the tutorial here: https://www.unipd.it/en/learning-agreement-erasmus-out
If further information is needed, it is recommended to contact the Mobility desk of your School or Department. The list of contacts can be found here: https://www.unipd.it/erasmus-scuole.
Yes, as soon as this is requested by the partner university. Sometimes it is requested at the Application stage, in other cases at a later time. You will have to send the PDF of the standard European version that can be downloaded from Uniweb.
For some destinations, instead, the Online Learning Agreement or Digital Learning Agreement submission system will be used. Those who have been assigned to a location that utilises the digital submission of the Learning Agreement will receive a specific communication. -
It is necessary to contact the professor in charge for the approval of the Learning Agreement or alternatively, contact the Mobility desk of your School or Department. The list of contacts can be found here: https://www.unipd.it/erasmus-scuole.
It is necessary to upload the approved and signed Learning Agreement in the European standard format on Mobility online platform after the departure.
You can indicate a new departure date before signing the Grant agreement from the Mobility online platform.
If the departure is scheduled within the 15 days prior or 30 days after the start date of mobility entered in the Grant Agreement, it is NOT necessary to request a new Grant Agreement. If the departure is planned beyond the timeframe indicated, it is necessary to inform us in Mobility online or HERE
The grant agreement is sent shortly before the start of the mobility if the following conditions are met:
- the Learning Agreement has been approved in Uniweb by the Unipd lecturer;
- at least 40 credits have been registered on the Uniweb booklet (this last rule does NOT apply to students on Master’s degree courses).
- any OFAs have been passed (this rule only applies to students enrolled in the first year of a three-year or single-cycle course)
- the Unipd tuition fee has been paid.
The above conditions can also be monitored on the Mobility Online platform.
Shortly before departure, an email will be sent with the Grant agreement and instructions for signing the Grant agreement. You will need to have the phone number provided in the Financial Contract form on hand.
I have filled out the form for the Grant agreement, when will I be able to sign the Grant agreement?
The grant agreement is sent shortly before the start of mobility, after the fulfillment of the prerequisites and the completion of all the steps listed on Mobility online. Additionally, you must ensure that you meet the requirements specified by the mobility destination.
Mobility online will be updated in the following 24/48 hours if the credits have been registered on Uniweb, the Learning Agreement has been approved and all the requirements have been met. After that the office will unlock the next steps to complete in order to sign the grant agreement.
Mobility online will be updated in the following 24/48 hours if the Learning Agreement has been approved on Uniweb and all the requirements have been met. After that the office will unlock the next steps to complete in order to sign the grant agreement.
The end date of mobility is a mere calculation of the scholarship months starting from the mobility start date in the Grant agreement. The actual calculation of the mobility days will be based on the start and end dates of mobility certified by the Attendance Certificate issued by the partner.
You can use the account details/IBAN of an Italian bank account under your name or jointly held account.
You can also use the Flash Studio card, which must be activated before receiving payments. For further information: https://www.unipd.it/cartaflash.
You can change the bank account details at a later stage by updating the personal information in Uniweb, Mobility online will be updated in the following 48 hours.
The grant agreement only shows contributions funded by the European Commission.
Travel expenses are funded by University funds and additional funds are funded by MUR or other funds so they are not included in the grant agreement.
You can download the Erasmus declaration from the Mobility online platform.
Should you need the Proof of finance, please contact us HERE
The additional funding will be available after the publication of the list of eligible students, indicatively between November and December.
No, you will have to request a specific declaration from the Economic Benefits Sector: benefici.studenti@unipd.it.
For assistance with the request to renew your residence permit you can contact the Saos Help Desk: saos@unipd.it.
It depends on the law of the host country and the citizenship that the students hold. Please contact the host university for additional information.
The OLS linguistic test is mandatory only for Erasmus+ students (it is not mandatory for SEMP). The test should be taken before the start of mobility, following the instructions received via email before the beginning of mobility. There is no OLS linguistic test at the end of mobility.
For EU citizens, in case of intra-EU mobility, basic health insurance coverage is usually provided by the National Health Service through the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC). However, for specific services, additional private health insurance may be necessary. For any additional information please refer to the ASL/USLL where you are registered with
Regularly enrolled students at the University of Padova are covered by accident and civil liability insurance, https://www.unipd.it/assicurazione even during the agreed-upon activities at foreign institutions. However, supplementary insurance may still be necessary, and we recommend checking this promptly with the host university.
The UNIPD insurance policy is available for download in Uniweb.
No, you have to find accommodation by yourself. Host universities usually provides useful information to incoming students during the application phase.
It is also possible to contact students who have carried a mobility period in the previous years for some suggestions; the contact list can be downloaded from Mobility Online.
There is not an official deadline to postpone your mobility to the second semester however we strongly suggest to do so as soon as possible or at least before the departure date.
Yes, it is possible to postpone the departure to the second semester by completing the relevant online form available on the Mobility Online platform. There is no deadline by which to postpone your departure, but it is recommend doing it as soon as possible.
No, it is not possible to move the departure from the second to the first semester.
Yes, you can renounce mobility even after accepting the position at Uniweb. The deadline is the 1/09/2024. To opt out, you must complete the relevant form available on Mobility Online platform.
No, after giving up you cannot participate in the second/third call of the same call (if applicable).
You can change the departure date when you define the Grant agreement on Mobility Online platform (please refer to Grant Agreement section).