- FAQ – Erasmus+ Study and SEMP
- FAQ – Ulisse – Application
- FAQ – Double Degree – Application
- FAQ – Double Degree – Before the Mobility
- FAQ – Double Degree – During the Mobility
- FAQ – Double Degree – After the Mobility
- FAQ – Double Degree – Contributions
- FAQ – Double Degree beyond Europe – Before the Mobility
- FAQ – Double Degree beyond Europe – During the Mobility
- FAQ – Double Degree beyond Europe – Contributions
- FAQ – Double Degree beyond Europe – After the Mobility
- FAQ – Blended Intensive Programmes (BIP)
Double Degree in Europe
Double Degree students in Europe can get the Erasmus+ grant or the Erasmus+ grant and a University Grant, depending on the Double Degree programme.
For more information: fill in the contact form.
The amount of the Erasmus grant is based on the destination country.
For further information: www.unipd.it/en/duration-contributions-erasmus-out
After your arrival at the host university, withing roughly 60 days from the upload of correct Start of mobility documents you will receive 70% of the Grant. There will be two different payments for the Erasmus grant and the University grant. You will also recieve the flat rate travel expenses.
After the closure of your mobility file, you will receive:
- the balance of the Erasmus Grant (if any): between July and October (only after completion of the online EU survey)
- the balance of any Additional Funding (if any): between April and December (only after the registration of the recognition of activitis carried out abroad on Uniweb)
- the balance of your University grant (if any): between July and October
The contributions are financed from different type of funds, therefore it is possible that you receive multiple wire transfers.
In order to request the additional funding, you will need to:
- apply for the ISEE certificate
- fill in and confirm the Application for Benefits on Uniweb by 9th August.
For additional information www.unipd.it/en/duration-contributions-erasmus-out
The list of eligible students for additional funding will be published indicatively between November and December on the dedicated web page www.unipd.it/en/duration-contributions-erasmus-out
The down payment of the additional funding will be processed after the publication of the list of eligible students.
The down payment of the additional funding will be processed after the publication of the list of eligible students. The list will be published indicatively between November and December on the dedicated web page www.unipd.it/en/duration-contributions-erasmus-out
The list of eligible students for merit will be provided by Ufficio Servizi agli studenti – Benefici economici based on the Regional Scholarship’s requisites and rules, the list will NOT be published.
The flat rate travel expenses is assigned to the student along with the winning of the place and the acceptance the place of mobility by the student. It is NOT necessary request them nor send your boarding passes.
The amount of the travel expense is a flat rate based on the destination country.
For additional information www.unipd.it/en/duration-contributions-erasmus-out