- FAQ – Erasmus+ Study and SEMP
- FAQ – Ulisse – Application
- FAQ – Double Degree – Application
- FAQ – Double Degree – Before the Mobility
- FAQ – Double Degree – During the Mobility
- FAQ – Double Degree – After the Mobility
- FAQ – Double Degree – Contributions
- FAQ – Double Degree beyond Europe – Before the Mobility
- FAQ – Double Degree beyond Europe – During the Mobility
- FAQ – Double Degree beyond Europe – Contributions
- FAQ – Double Degree beyond Europe – After the Mobility
- FAQ – Blended Intensive Programmes (BIP)
Erasmus+ Studio e SEMP
During the Mobility
It is necessary to upload the start-of-mobility documents and the certificate of completion of the Moodle course “Ready to Mobile” onto the Mobility Online platform. For more information: www.unipd.it/en/during-mobility-erasmus-out.
After the evaluation of the uploaded documents from the office, the student will receive via email either the confirmation of arrival or additional documents request.
You will need to upload your Start of mobility documents on the Mobility Online platform. The During the Mobility section will be activated after singning the Grant Agreement and the download of the Attendance certificate from the platform.
Within 7 days after the mobility start date entered in the Attendance certificate, the following documents must be uploaded to Mobility online as indicated:
- Attendance Certificate certifying the date of arrival
- Learning Agreement Before the mobility also countersigned by the partner university (applied to OLA in EWP as well)
In case of delays in the submission of the Attendance Certificate:
- For delays from 8 to 30 days: there will be no penalty, but the payment of the mobility could be delayed subsequently
- For delays over 30 days: the mobility grant will be cancelled and the mobility will be considered “zero grant”.
You can download the form from Mobility Online platform.
The partner university will have to sign your Attendance Certificate, inform yourself about the process to follow and the general rules to the mobility dates applied by the host university.
The Learning Agreement must necessarily be completed in Uniweb and must be approved by the indicated Unipd lecturer.
If the partner university also requires the completion of a second document you may proceed only if this document does not require the signature of the Unipd lecturer. In case this is required, please contact your Mobility Desk. -
Yes, it is necessary to upload the Learning Agreement even if it has been signed in EWP.
The Attendance certificate is available to be downloaded from Mobility online platform AFTER the signature and registration of the grant agreement.
The Attendance certificate has been filled in the first part at your arrival at the partner university and before leaving the partner university should fill in the second part of the document.
The Attendance certificate must be filled and signed by the partner university.
Please check with the partner university’s administration office for the procedures to follow in order to request the completion of the document.
If the date that the partner states in the Attendance Certificate differs significantly from the date in the Grant Agreement, we will send you an amendment to the grant agreement.
Yes, if the document contains the same essential information as the Attendance certificate provided by the home university.
No, the mobility cannot start before the date of signing the Grant Agreement. You must request a new Attendance certificate from the partner university, please note that any amendment on the document are not acceptable.
If you have already uploaded your start of mobility documents once and your arrival at the destination has been correctly confirmed, there is no need to upload the modified LA again. You should keep the new approved and countersigned Learning agreement and upload it at the end of the mobility.
To edit the Learning Agreement in Uniweb click on “Nuovo Learning Agrement”.
The Learning Agreement should be changed as soon as possible, as soon as you know the final list of courses you will take during the mobility. In the case of annual mobility, a change can also be made at the beginning of the second semester.
Please note that there is a limited number of changes possible, so it is recommended that you fill out the LA only once you have all the final data to fill it out.
The new LA will need to be approved by the professor in Padua and countersigned by the foreign office.
If in doubt, you can save the Learning agreement in Draft and ask for assistance from the Mobility desk in your School or Department.
You can find the list of contacts here: www.unipd.it/en/international-office-schools-departments-erasmus-out.
After confirming your arrival at the host university, you can fill the form on the Mobility online platform. Download the form and request the signature from the partner university. The completed form will need to be uploaded on Mobility online platform for the confirmation of the University of Padua.
You can request an extension of the mobility over 15 days during your mobility. The extension request form must be uploaded on the platform 30 days prior to the end of mobility date stated in your Grant Agreement and in any case not after the 15th July.
You can request an extension of the mobility over 15 days only after the start of mobility. The extension request form must be uploaded on the platform 30 days prior to the end of mobility date stated in your Grant Agreement and in any case not after the 15th July. For more information: www.unipd.it/en/during-mobility-erasmus-out
No, the extedend period of the mobility is not financed.